About us

Delivering maximum value​ through our brand portfolio

Our Group consists of an ever-growing portfolio of local and global brands. By having a multitude of brands that offer different cutting-edge innovations and solutions adapted for specific customer segments, we deliver maximum value to our customers.  

Key facts

Year of first acquisition


Injector Co and Bolinder diesel engine division 

Atlas Copco flags at the office.

Acquisitions in 2024


Atlas Copco flags at the office.

Brands in total


Atlas Copco flags at the office.

Brand governance

We have a large and intentionally crafted brand portfolio. You see, we want to offer each customer segment a tailored experience and a broader selection of products and services. In other words, strong brands drive success for our business.​


Our brands are governed by brand councils. These consist of colleagues with different perspectives, such as legal, communications and sustainability professionals. 

Our brands leverage the power of being unique, while reaping the benefits from being part of something bigger.

Sara Hägg Liljedal

Senior Vice President, Chief Communications Officer

Overview of our brands

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Vision, mission and purpose

Throughout our long history, we have never stopped developing new solutions to meet real needs. To guide us, we have a clear vision, mission and purpose.​
Three employees gathered around to look at something one of them is holding in their hand, while standing next to a machine.​

Strategy and targets

While we are proud of our past achievements, we continue to strive towards new heights. As we are committed to our mission and ambitious targets, we also have a clear strategy.
A man in glasses and safety goggles is smiling slightly while looking at a piece of technology.​


Starting with a single Swedish venture in 1873, we have grown into an expansive group of brands spanning the entire globe.
The crew at Sickla works who turned out 68 engines with a total output of 8,000 hp.

For investors

Atlas Copco Group is characterized by focused businesses in selected market segments, high customer focus through a decentralized organization, global presence, a stable service business, professional people, and an asset-light and flexible manufacturing setup.
Employees walking through a hallway with the Atlas Copco Group Logo present.