About us

Setting ambitious targets drives us forward

We set ambitious targets to achieve sustainable, profitable growth. Sustainability is a central part of our mission, strategic direction and targets. This helps us deliver greater value to all stakeholders in a way that is economically, environmentally and socially responsible.
Colleagues working on low-carbon technologies at office desk.

Leading the way

Our targets provide direction and guidance for the entire organization. They outline our commitments and priorities as a Group and motivate us to perform better and improve as a company. We face both challenges and opportunities. Our targets are developed to meet both.

The Group targets include our science-based targets to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions in our own operations and along the value chain in line with the Paris Agreement.

Atlas Copco Group targets illustration in English

Key sustainability results 2024



emissions in own operations (Scope 1+2)

Group targets images for website - environment



value chain emissions
(Scope 3)

Group targets images for website - environment



of new and redesigned products aim to reduce carbon impact

Group targets images for website - environment



of our waste is reused,
recycled or recovered

Group targets images for website - environment
Target: -46% by 2030
(baseline 2019)*
Target: -28% by 2030
(baseline 2019)*
Target: 100%
Target: 100% by 2030

Diversity and inclusion


women employees

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Diversity and inclusion


women in leadership positions

Group targets images for website - social

Safety, health and well-being


recordable injuries per million working hours

Group targets images for website - social

Safety, health and well-being


Employees feel the company cares about their well-being

Group targets images for website - social
Target: 30% by 2030**
Target: 25% by 2030**
Target: Continuous decrease
(previous year 4.5)
Target: Continuous score increase***
(previous score: 73)

Business ethics


of employees signed our Code of Conduct

Group targets images for website - governance

Business ethics


of new employees completed our ethics training

Group targets images for website - governance

Business ethics


of significant distributors signed our Business Partner Criteria

Group targets images for website - governance

Business ethics


of significant suppliers signed our Business Partner Criteria

Group targets images for website - governance
Target: 100%
Target: 100%
Target: 100%
Target: 100%

"The updates to our targets 2025-2027 do not only raise our ambitions, they also present business opportunities to leverage as we continue our path to transform the future and further develop our performance for the benefit of our customers, shareholders and other stakeholders going forward."

Vagner Rego, President and CEO of Atlas Copco Group

Vagner Rego, President and CEO of Atlas Copco group as of 2024

Group targets 2025-2027 and beyond

Our Group targets include our long-term commitments for 2030 and beyond, for example our science-based targets. Below we also present our annual results in relation to our targets.

Guided by our mission to achieve sustainable, profitable growth, we create lasting value for all stakeholders. 
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Financial value creation Revenue growth measured over a business cycle 8% per annum
Sustained high return on capital employed by constantly striving for operational excellence and generating growth  
Earnings as dividends to shareholders About 50%

Guided by a climate transition plan and circular principles, our technology enables the transformation to a low-carbon society.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Target year
2024 2023 2022
Climate Reduce CO2e emissions (tonnes) from scopes 1 and 2, compared to the base year 20191 -46% 2030 -40% -37%2 -32%2
Reduce CO2e emissions (tonnes) from scope 3, compared to the base year 20191 -28% 2030 +15% +27%2 +19%2
Develop a climate transition plan and set long-term climate targets beyond 2030 for scope 1, 2 and 3 Plan in place by end of 2026 2026 - - -
Projects for new and redesigned products with targets for reduced carbon impact 100% Annually 96% 95% 97%
Circularity Projects for new and redesigned products with applied circularity principles according to internal guidelines 100% 2027 - - -
Reuse, recycle or recover waste from internal operations 100% 2030 91% 91% 92%
Resource efficiency in sourcing Increase share of significant direct suppliers with an approved environmental management system Continuous increase Annually 31% 31% 31%

Guided by our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we cultivate an environment where all employees can thrive, grow and feel a sense of belonging.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Target year
2024 2023 2022
Diversity and inclusion Employees agree that they feel a sense of belonging in the company1, 2 Above the global benchmark (73) and a continuous increase Bi-annually - 77 -
Employees agree we have a work culture of respect, fairness and openness1 Above the global benchmark (76) and a continuous increase Bi-annually - 76 -
Increase share of women employees3 30% 2030 22.4% 22.0% 21.6%
Increase share of women in leadership positions3 25% 2030 21.1% - -
Learning and development Employees agree there is opportunity to learn and grow in the company1 Above the global benchmark (72) and a continuous increase Bi-annually - 75 -
Safety, health and well-being Employees agree that the company takes a genuine interest in their well-being1 Continuous increase Bi-annually - 74 -
Decrease number of recordable injuries per million working hours Continuous decrease Annually 4.0    
Community engagement Enable the continued successful implementation of our employee-driven community engagement initiative Water for All and continue to double-match employee donations Not applicable Continuously - - -

Guided by a strong corporate culture that encourages us to act, we collaborate with business partners to have a positive impact on society.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Target year
2024 2023 2022
Employee commitment Employees have signed the Group’s Code of Conduct compliance statement 100% Annually 99% 99% 99%
Employees have participated in the Group’s Code of Conduct classroom training1 100% Bi-annually - 99% -
Employees in relevant selected target groups have participated in training in trade compliance and fair competition 100% Alternating years - - -
Business partner commitment Significant suppliers have confirmed compliance with the Group’s Code of Conduct by signing our Business Partner Criteria 100% Annually 91% 90% 93%
Significant distributors have confirmed compliance with the Group’s Code of Conduct by signing our Business Partner Criteria 100% Annually 94% 94% 92%
Significant direct material suppliers engaged in assessment of environmental, social and governance aspects Target (%) to be defined 2027 - - -

View our targets for the strategy period 2022-2024 and our progress during the last three years. Some targets include our long-term commitments for 2030.

Revenue growth measured over a business cycle       8% per annum
Sustained high return on capital employed by constantly striving for operational excellence and generating growth        
Earnings as dividends to shareholders       About 50%
2024 2023 2022 Target
Reduction in line with the 1.5 degree warming trajectory in CO2e1) emissions (tonnes) from scopes 1 and 2, compared to the baseline 2019 -40% -37%2 -32%2 -46% by 2030
Reduction in line with the well-below 2 degrees warming trajectory in CO2e1) emissions (tonnes) from scope 3, compared to the baseline 2019 +15% +27%2 +19%2 -28% by 2030
Significant direct suppliers with an approved environmental management system  31% 31% 31% Continuous increase
Water consumption (m3) in relation to cost of sales 7.4 7.5 8.4 Continuous decrease
Reused, recycled or recovered waste from internal operations 91% 91% 92% 100% by 2030
Projects for new and redesigned products with targets for reduced carbon impact 96% 95% 97% 100%
Group-common methodology for assessing the circulatiry of new or redesigned products In place _ _ In place by 2024
2024 2023 2022 Target
Female employees, at year end 22.4% 22.0% 21.6% 30% by 2030
Employees agree that they feel a sense of belonging at the company3, 4 _ 77 _ Above the global benchmark (73, 76 and 72) and a continuous increase
Employees agree we have a work culture of respect, fairness and openness3 _ 76 _
Employees agree there is opportunity to learn and grow in the company3 _ 75 _
Employees agree that the company takes a genuine interest in their well-being3 _ 74 _
Continuous increase
Balanced safety pyramid = more reports of risk observations than near misses, more reports of near misses than minor injuries, and more or equal reports of minor injuries relative to recordable injuries Yes Yes Yes A balanced safety pyramid
2024 2023 2022 Target
Employees sign the Group’s Code of Conduct compliance statement annually 99% 99% 99% 100%
New employees participate in the Group's ethics training within 12 months of joining the company, starting 20234 95% 94% _ 100%
Employees participate in the Group's biennial ethics training, starting 20234 _ 99% _ 100%
Significant suppliers confirm compliance with the Group's Code of Conduct   91% 90% 93% 100%
Significant distributors confirm compliance with the Group's Code of Conduct 94% 94% 92% 100%

1 CO2e stands for carbon dioxide equivalent.
2 Emissions are restated. See page 53 in the Annual Report 2024 for details.
3 Measured every two years through the employee survey. Scores based on scale 0–100 where 0 is “strongly disagree” and 100 is “strongly agree”.
4 First measurement done in 2023.

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Strategic priorities

When setting our strategic priorities, we regularly interact with our stakeholders to safeguard that different perspectives are considered. We also assess our impacts, risks and opportunities from an environmental, social and governance perspective.
Stakeholder meeting


Financial targets

Our mission is to achieve sustainable, profitable growth. By doing so, we are creating lasting value while safeguarding people and the planet.

Businessman analyzing company financial report balance statement working with digital augmented reality graphics.



Through our technologies, we enable a low-carbon society. By taking responsibility for our impact and acting ethically in all our business relationships, we create value for our stakeholders and society at large.
Electric car driving along windmills farm.