Diverse by nature, inclusive by choice
With about 55 000 employees at year end, from around 130 nationalities worldwide, we are committed to providing an inclusive work environment where everyone is treated with respect, feels seen and heard, and is able to realize their full professional potential.
Our Diversity and inclusion guideline covers all employees, including additional workforce, and states that we strive for diversity and inclusion in every aspect of our operations. We provide equal opportunity to all applicants and employees and do not discriminate based on ethnicity, religion, gender, age, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or political opinion. Group companies establish local diversity guidelines that are aligned with the Group’s policy, local laws and regulations and local conditions. Anti-harassment and non-discrimination issues are addressed in the Group’s mandatory ethics training.
Diversity and inclusion Council
The Atlas Copco Group’s Diversity and inclusion Council is chaired by the Group’s President and CEO, and includes representatives from all business areas, as well as from the functions of communications, human resources, and accounting and controlling. The council meets regularly to follow up on action plans and results in the operations. The work is mainly driven by business area task forces and ambassadors in each operational entity.
Inclusion indicators
In the Group’s employee survey Insight in 2023 we introduced a Diversity & Inclusion index and started measuring and reporting on key inclusion indicators. Achieving a better gender balance is a key priority when it comes to improving employee diversity. We address this through the target of 30% women employees in the Group by 2030. In 2023, progress was made towards a better gender balance with 22.0% (21.6) women employees by year-end.
*Data from on the Group’s employee survey Insight in 2023. Scores based on scale 0–100 where 0 is “strongly disagree” and 100 is “strongly agree”.
Well suited for the job
Our service business has traditionally been characterized by a significant underrepresentation of women. Attracting female colleagues has been a challenge for different reasons, one of which may be unconscious bias and the assumption that women are not suitable for the job of a technician.
Compressor Technique Service division has challenged the bias that women are unsuitable for technician roles.
Five years of dedicated work across the division has resulted in a steady increase from only 2 female service technicians in 2018 to 126 in 2023.
Behind the positive development lies a changed mindset and an increased awareness of why diversity matters and that it is a critical competitive success factor in today’s business world.
The technician’s role itself has been adjusted to make it less physically demanding and more safe for all genders. A number of other measures have also been taken including training, employer branding campaigns, developing gender neutral job adverts and building strong relations with technical schools.