
Tune in to TechTalks podcast

What technologies can transform the future? Tune in to our TechTalks audio and video podcast and find out. Here, experts from across the Atlas Copco Group discuss insights, challenges and what is yet to come.

TechTalks episode 3 large banner with Linda and guests

TechTalks episodes

Episode 3 of TechTalks is out now, with more to come. You will find all episodes of TechTalks, available for you to watch and listen to, here in your browser or on your podcast app of choice. 

Episode 3

The hidden tech of assembly

Discover how modern assembly methods are revolutionizing efficiency, enhancing quality, and driving sustainability. Tune in to get inspired by the future of assembly tech!

Episode 3 of TechTalks with David Lindblom, Per Heyser and Robert Karlsson.

Episode 2

Can carbon capture save the world?

Meet three internal experts on carbon capture, utilization and storage. Can this technology fast-forward the transformation to a low-carbon society?

Episode 2 of TechTalks with Ulrich Schmitz, Mercedes Hernandez and Uwe Zoellig

Episode 1

How to engineer the industry of tomorrow

In what way can industrial processes support the transformation to a low-carbon society? Is digitalization the key? Let us hear from the experts. 

The host and guests of Tech Talks episode 1 posing for a group photo in the studio, in front of a neon style sign saying "TechTalks". The group consists of three men and two women, wearing office apparel and smiling.