

At the end of 2024, Atlas Copco AB had 141 964 (125 893) shareholders. The ten largest shareholders registered directly or as a group with Euroclear Sweden, the Swedish Central Securities Depository, by voting rights, accounted for 34% (34) of the voting rights and 33% (31) of the capital. Swedish investors held 48% (47) of the capital and represented 45% (45) of the voting rights.

The table below shows the largest shareholders, by voting rights, registered directly or as a group with Euroclear Sweden, the Swedish Central Securities Depository.

December 31, 2024 Number of shares A-shares B-shares % of votes % of capital
Investor AB 835 653 755 779 171 644 56 482 111 22.3 17.0
Swedbank Robur fonder 201 934 805 114 459 117 87 475 688 3.5 4.1
Handelsbanken fonder 93 482 701 76 675 830 16 806 871 2.2 1.9
SEB  Investment Management 58 073 441 49 327 674 8 745 767 1.4 1.2
Nordea Investment Funds 53 450 602 41 470 717 11 979 885 1.2 1.1
Folksam 50 413 734 33 419 605 16 994 129 1.0 1.0
Avanza Fonder 42 686 913 29 140 176 13 546 737 0.9 0.9
SPP Fonder AB 38 642 245 28 014 893 10 627 352 0.8 0.8
Alecta Pensionsförsäkring 123 067 128 12 699 832 110 367 296 0.7 2.5
AMF - Försäkringar och Fonder 123 067 128 12 699 832 110 367 296 0.3 2.2
Others 3 297 979 964 2 180 497 064 1 117 482 900 65.7 67.3
Total 4 918 452 416 3 357 576 384 1 560 876 032 100.0 100.0
- of which shares held by Atlas Copco* 47 838 434 47 838 434 0 1.4 1.0
Total, net of shares held by Atlas Copco  4 870 613 982 3 309 737 950 1 560 876 032    
* Shareholders registered directly or as a group with Euroclear Sweden, the Swedish Central Securities Depository.
December 31, 2024 % of capital
Sweden 48
The United States 30
Great Britain 7
Others 15
Total 100
Number of shares % of shareholders % of capital
1-500 64.60 0.2
501-2 000 18.90 0.6
2 001-10 000 12.30 1.6
10 001-50 000 3.20 1.9
50 001-100 000 0.40 0.7
>100 000 0.60 95.0
Total 100.00 100.0
Ownership category, December 31, 2024 % of capital % of votes
Shareholders domiciled abroad (legal entities and individuals) 52.4 54.6
Swedish financial companies 37.1 37
Swedish individuals 4.5 3.8
Other Swedish legal entities 2.0 2.0
Swedish social insurance funds 2.7 1.6
Swedish trade organizations 1.0 0.8
Swedish government & muncipals 0.3 0.2
Total shareholders 100.0 100.0