All-time high revenues and profit conclude a record year
The figures presented in this report refer to continuing operations unless otherwise stated
- Orders increased 6% to MSEK 23 743 (22 459), organic growth of 1%
- Record revenues at MSEK 25 321 (22 645), organic growth of 7%
- Operating profit increased 17% to MSEK 5 661 (4 859), corresponding to a margin of 22.4% (21.5)
- Adjusted for items affecting comparability, the operating margin was 21.9% (22.2)
- Profit before tax amounted to MSEK 5 934 (4 551)
- Basic earnings per share were SEK 4.29 (2.61)
- Operating cash flow at MSEK 4 970 (approx. 4 000 for continuing operations)
- The Board of Directors proposes a dividend of SEK 6.30 per share (approx. 5.20 for continuing operations), to be paid in two installments