
Reference Component Page


Welcoming new ideas and challenging the status quo are key to our innovation. It leads to continuous refinements – as well as great leaps forward.
Technician in goggles and orange jacket operating a machine

Available jobs

We have a wide variety of job opportunities in many functions. Discover our selection and find your perfect job match.

Two formally dressed women shaking hands in an office.

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This page gives an overview of our financial topics, including financial targets, key financials and financial definitions.
Two employees in the pantry catching up for a chat, looking at a laptop

Atlas Copco AB share

You can find all information relating to our share here. Among other things you can calculate your shareholder return.

Boats parket at the sea

Atlas Copco Group for investors

We are caracterized by focused businesses in selected market segments, high customer focus through a decentralized organization.

Two employees in discussion with laptop in front of them and window behind